Sunday, December 27, 2009

happy holidays 2009

from the blue ridge mountains, you are wished very happy holidays and a blessed new year

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

adam barnes fine art photography: website launch day!

hello friends,

i am excited to announce that the new website for adam barnes fine art photography has arrived! please visit and take a few minutes to browse the new layout and galleries - we are all very excited about the new site! i am honored and thankful to be part of such a wonderful artistic entity!

grace and peace to you all this thanksgiving,


Thursday, November 19, 2009

just when i think i cannot love autumn any more...

i just love this season... as we wind down and enter into the Christmas season, i thought i would share some of my favorites from this fall.

i have been working on a series for a couple of years now which depicts one tree through all four seasons. since i started, the first fall was extra dry and lacking in color, and last fall i was busy getting married, but i have been waiting for the perfect fall depiction of this tree. i am not sure if i am ready to declare my goal achieved but i was pretty darn happy with the pictures from this season.

and of course i have to include the work of my talented husband...

enjoy what is left of the harvest season!

.:grace and peace:.

Friday, November 6, 2009

paul and suzy - engagement session

some pictures from our session with paul and suzy two days before their wedding...

same moment from the camera of chris...
from my camera...

grace and peace friends

paul and suzy

this post is way overdue... and that is officially the understatement of the year.

paul and suzy got married this past july on a bright new hampshire day. they are officially the first couple to ever book a wedding and they are getting ready to celebrate four months of marriage. paul is my husband's former youth pastor and when he and suzy started dating, their community was quite excited to see such a beautiful match... i could go on but i will just let you take in the images.

suzy's bridal portraits are some of my favorite yet... gorgeous!

sealed with a kiss!

paul and suzy - thank you for allowing us to take part in your special day and for believing in us to capture your wedding... i cannot apologize enough for the gigantic delay in this posting - 2,253 photographs later, the disc is on its way!

and i must express admiration for my wonderful husband who worked so hard and produced some quality images for paul and suzy and who has been supportive through the editing process - thank you punkin!

.:grace and peace:.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

autumn moon

every day chris and i have quite the routine as he is out the door and at work by 6:30am... the other morning i had to interrupt the rest of my routine to get a picture of the sky - it was incredible...

in the midst of a season of high stress and mounds on my plate... it was a moment of stillness... a holy moment for me personally...

just wanted to share... grace and peace

Thursday, September 10, 2009

post-it love

i know... it has been too long since my last post... work is crazy and i am furiously editing in my off hours... this video offered enjoyment in the midst of a break today and i thought i would share...

grace and peace,


Monday, August 17, 2009

i hear the sound of fall arriving...

i have heard suggestive noises over the last couple of weeks and i heard the sound for sure today that has always signaled the coming of my favorite season... wonderful glorious autumn.... what was that sound you ask? the sound of the high school (this afternoon it was college) marching band... ahh the crisp rhythms of the drumlines... the ring of the xylophones and bells, and the faint echoes of horns and woodwinds outside on a sunny end-of-summer day... ahh yes, it is coming...

my daddy was a high school band director so i have a very special place in my heart for the members of any marching band - it is very hard work as it is, but add to it hot summer days and thick uniforms and it is a discipline that is daunting for many... and of course the music they produce always provokes nostalgia of the best kind and the many years of education my dad gave me about everything marching band related

because i do not have time to access a marching band video... i will leave you with another treat for your ears and your eyes - one of my favorite songs, white winter hymnal by the fleet foxes, which was introduced to me around this time last year by my stellar brother... this is probably my favorite music video of all time (i love claymation!)... and after you watch it, make plans to head out to your local high school to catch the sounds of the dedicated members of the marching band

.:grace and peace:.

Monday, August 3, 2009

guilty pleasure

so i have an activity that if i am not careful will prove to be addicting... i have always enjoyed clothing... probably a lot more than i would like to admit... for the most part i am able to keep my enjoyment within practical and cost-efficient boundaries, only adding to my massive collection once in awhile (for that, my husband is thankful), but every now and then, i get "in the zone" you might say and get a little too excited to shop... now is definitely one of those times...

awhile back, i found this website called polyvore. now, at first, i used it for the occasional spurt of shopping - purposeful shopping... i had a few things i needed for certain occasions and i used polyvore to mass-shop (it hits multiple sites at one time for whatever item you are looking for)... but this week i discovered the "create" option...

i had seen sets of fashion items put together in magazine-esque layouts but did not know that they were polyvore members who were creating these layouts... so i decided to try it...

oh dear.... what have i gotten myself into? and for the record... i tried to purchase this dress on jcrew because it was on sale... can't find it in navy - sad sad day....

i need to get a grip :)

happy tuesday!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

where the wild things are

this book was one of my favorites growing up... i am not sure what i enjoyed more - the story itself, the artwork, or the encouragement to my imagination. soon, we will be able to enjoy a cinematic production of this beloved book... i hope it lives up to the standard set by maurice sendak

in celebration of the upcoming movie, a blog was created called terrible yellow eyes. it has become a fantasic, growing collection of submissions by various artists of their own interpretations of 'where the wild things are'. i wish i had time to work on a piece of my own... one can dream right?

happy viewing!


Monday, July 20, 2009

wickline wedding

back in june i photographed a wedding with adam barnes in crozet, virginia.

we had a great time with matt, jenny, and their families and friends... held at the gorgeous king family vineyards, here are a few of my favorite images from that day...

the adorable flower girl with the wickline's dog, winston

first dance...

and the flower girl and the rest of the bridal party danced well into the night...

congratulations mr. & mrs. wickline!


kevin & tori - more wedding photos!

want to see more of the fantastic fritz's?
yes, the alliteration was intentional... corny and intentional...
anyway, i posted a few extra photos on my flickr account... and keep an eye on my picasa gallery for the entire public selection of these two

.:grace and peace:.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

kevin & tori - wedding day at last!

at last for so many reasons... mainly because it has taken me so long to edit and post...

i have been processing and mulling over this blog post for weeks now... yes, even before the wedding i knew there would be a day when i would be posting these photos and including some sort of verbiage to describe the day and i am not sure that i am able

the weekend certainly was a flurry of wedding activity and emotion. it was a joy to reunite with friends who were part of the ceremony as members of the bridal party and guests of the couple. chris, jamie, and i took pleasure from interacting and getting to know the families of kevin and tori. mostly, it was an honor to be able to serve kevin, tori, their famlies, and their guests on this sacred day before God.

here are some of my favorite film moments from their wedding day

kevin, you have displayed your character and exquisite taste in the pursuit of tori... i know that you will take the very best care of her that your ability will allow and that her heart is in protective and careful hands

tori, you are absolutely gorgeous as it is - inside and out - and you were absolutely stunning on your wedding day... you are radiant my dear. i look forward to watching God mold the two of you together all the more intricately in the coming months and years - i treasure your perspective and our friendship and look forward to comparing 'wifely' notes with you

chris and i have grown to love you both so much we could burst! thank you for letting us share this time with you - we look forward to many more meals and times of sharing together... i wish you two all the best as you learn and explore your new roles as husband and wife

and lastly, a big thank you to chris and jamie for sharing the responsibility of capturing this moment in the lives of kevin and tori - i had a blast working with both of you and appreciate you sharing your abilities with me!

.:grace and peace dear friends:.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

rifle design

i have been keeping this fantastic artist to myself for some time now and i am noticing that more and more of my daily blog reads are discovering her too - so it is time to keep her a secret no longer and present to you the art of anna bond...

i first discovered anna's work back in college when we both attended the great university that is liberty... and then last year prior to our wedding i saw anna's handiwork for her own wedding and i can tell you that had she started rifle events one year earlier, i would not have thought a second before commissioning her to design our invitation suite etc...

my personal favorite is her own personal wedding invitation:

her blog is one of my daily reads and her regular and consistent postings mostly related to inspirations are what i aspire to for this blog... i could go on and on but i'll let her work do the rest of the talking... ladies and gentlemen, anna bond.

.:grace and peace:.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

the disposable memory project

check this out
awesome idea - call me if you get your hands on one of these!

im summer-izing the blog... let me know what you think!

have a great day!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

a weekend on the farm

while i am still working on kevin & tori's wedding photos... i figured i would add a few photos that are straight from the camera

chris and i spent the weekend with my brother and his girlfriend emily up in purcellville, virginia where my brother is interning with mountain view farm this summer... we had an awesome weekend - it was difficult to come back to our life here... i put several photos from our trip on our blog but figured i would post a couple of the more experimental photos here... haha and i just realized that all but one include my favorite subject - enjoy the farm!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

kevin & tori: wedding preface

there are many words... and even more pictures... to share from this weekend
while i get some semblance of order, here is a taste

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

kevin & tori: engagement

i cannot say enough about kevin and tori... perhaps it is because i have known tori for almost six years and treasure our friendship, i am totally and unashamedly biased. i am not going to go any futher because i fully intend on gushing in the wedding photo post (get your tissues ready!).

chris and i feel very blessed by the opportunity to photograph their wedding this coming saturday. we took their engagement photos less than a month ago in lexington, virginia. tori and kevin were both fun to photograph and extremely photogenic - i just kept saying "y'all are so attractive!" and i mean it! i am looking forward to working on my adobe editing skills and seeing what i can do with some of these photos... in the meantime, here is a sampling... or you can view the full gallery.

i am looking forward to saturday! God's most bountiful blessings on your marriage.

grace and peace to you my dear friends,
