Sunday, January 23, 2011


wow... june was the last post? really?

over the past several months i have had post after post in my head which yet to have made it onto the blog - my apologies. if i do end up turning any of these drafts into actual posts, they will be post-dated just to keep you on your toes! 

there is much change on the horizon for us in 2011, which i can assure you will unfold itself on the blog to a degree (says at least one new years resolution ha). in the meantime...

i have been dwelling and meditating as often as possible on the following hymn, per the instructions given by paul in philippians 4:8... i hope these words may provide some ounce of encouragement as they especially have to me in these last few weeks

This is my Father's world, 
 and to my listening ears 
 all nature sings, and round me rings 
 the music of the spheres.  
 This is my Father's world:  
 I rest me in the thought 
 of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; 
 his hand the wonders wrought.

This is my Father's world, 
 the birds their carols raise, 
 the morning light, the lily white, 
 declare their maker's praise.  
 This is my Father's world:  
 he shines in all that's fair; 
 in the rustling grass I hear him pass; 
 he speaks to me everywhere.   

This is my Father's world.  
 O let me ne'er forget 
 that though the wrong seems oft so strong, 
 God is the ruler yet.  
 This is my Father's world:  
 why should my heart be sad?  
 The Lord is King; let the heavens ring!  
 God reigns; let the earth be glad! 
grace and peace, 